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It is a known fact that OxiClean can be used on most clothing items but, what we need to know for sure, is if it can be used on microfiber cloths.
For a fact, OxiClean can be used not only for different clothing items but microfiber cloths as well.
Can OxiClean be used to clean any piece of clothing?
The simple answer to this is No. There are certain clothing items that you are not to use OxiClean on. For delicate fabrics such as wool and silk, a more gentle option such as a non-biological detergent or soap flakes is more ideal.
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The magic called OxiClean
Stain extractor per excellence, OxiClean is an extremely powerful stain removing liquid. Tough on stains yet, subtle on your fabrics.
It is known to viciously attack stains on surfaces both hard and soft, upholstery, cabinets, etc. A little portion is applied to water with the clothes added into the water next. The result? You get a squeaky clean fabric, good as new with a sweet-smelling fragrance.
OxiClean comes in different variants. Manufactured to meet the specifications of the tons of consumers out there. OxiClean-free is one variant of the cleaning agent that is without fragrance.
Odorless no doubt, but still contains the same powerful cleaning formula that eradicates obstinate stains and kills tough germs.
Use OxiClean to achieve perfectly clean and all-round hygiene. Join the bandwagon of the stain-crushing warlords.
What else can I use to wash my microfiber cloth?
Even though we know that OxiClean is perfect for washing our microfiber cloth, it is imperative that we find out other options that we can use in cleaning our MFCs that can be just or almost as effective as the OxiClean.
Asides from the OxiClean, you can wash in warm water using any mild detergent. Ensure that you use mild detergent only and no fabric softeners. Fabric softeners close up the open spaces on the microfiber cloth and renders it ineffective in the long run.
While washing in warm water, you can make use of a soft-bristled brush to scrub on the dirty spots if they prove too stubborn to be cleaned out.
How often should I wash my microfiber cloth?
To get your microfiber cloths cleaned efficiently well, it is important that you care for them and wash them regularly.
Microfiber cloths that are used to clean daily, should be washed at least, after three (3) times of use.
Microfiber cloths used in cleaning kitchen counters or in the bathroom get dirty and look messy after each use. This is because they are mostly used in cleaning greasy dirt and grime in the kitchen and bathroom. It is advised that they be washed after every use.
Microfiber cloths used in polishing or dusting wooden surfaces, glass, or mirrors, should be rinsed under hot water preferably and hung out to completely dry. A thorough wash of the MFCs would be in order after 4-5 uses.
Purchasing different Microfiber cloths for the usage of different distinct functions is one brilliant idea.
For instance, you can have a specific one for cleaning the bathroom, another one for the kitchen, and yet another one for dusting surfaces. It allows you to manage how to wash them and maintain their durability and keep them cleaning optimally.
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How to get the best cleaning experience using your microfiber cloths with OxiClean
Firstly, wipe out the dirt/debris on the MFC. You can also rinse out in cold water to let out the surface debris before the actual wash.
Use a biological washing detergent, Add a small quantity of OxiClean to the wash. The enzymes present in the detergent will help dissolve protein-based stains such as soup spills, sauce splashes, and soils while the powerful cleaning formula called OxiClean attacks the tough stains embedded within.
Soak: If your MFCs are badly soiled with stains, leave them soaked in some OxiClean for a few hours before washing.
Now, if your washing machine does not have a soak option, make use of this technique instead:
Do a very short wash then turn off after the first 3 minutes. This is to allow the MFCs to mix well into the detergent and water.
The next step would be to leave them in the machine for extra hours or even overnight to soak then, switch the washing machine back on to do a proper wash.
Do note that washing must be intensive for maximum effect
Always wash your MFCs separately from others. This can really not be emphasized enough. MFCs are naturally made to lift everything on themselves.
To avoid that happening, you must be careful not to make them share the tub with the rest of your laundry, cotton materials especially as they shed more lint than others.
Washing your MFCs with other clothing materials would be you transferring all that was cleaned off back into the cleaned material, now that would be so counterproductive, don’t you think?
Maintenance for microfiber cloths
Microfiber cloths are highly durable multi-purpose cleaning materials. They can last for years while still maintaining their efficacy.
But, for your microfiber cloth to serve and offer you years of effective cleaning service, you must know and apply the following best care tips for them.
Wash regularly in warm or hot water using a very mild detergent. Avoid anything that is capable of clogging the spaces on the microfiber cloth as that would render it useless.
Always wash your microfiber cloths separately. The microfiber cloths are not to be washed along with other clothing items especially those made of cotton. This is because the microfiber cloth can easily attract lint from them.
Hand washing? Not a problem but, ensure you do so in hot water, allow to soak for a few minutes then wash. Rinse thoroughly. See that the clothes are rid of all the soapy water.
Air dry: Natural-air drying is the best for your microfiber cloths. Spread the microfiber cloths outside after washing to dry.
The reason why natural air drying is better is because the sun helps in killing whatever germs that might have survived the washing phase. Air drying also guarantees a quicker dry.
Using a dryer? Do well to set it on low or medium heat.
Just as you wash microfiber cloths separately and not together with other clothing items, it is exactly the same way you dry them separately too.
Dry them away from other clothing items or together with other microfiber products so it doesn’t grab lint from them. Caring for your microfiber cloths in the right way will ensure they clean better and last longer.
Microfiber cloth vs cotton cloths
Ding! Ding!! Ding!!!
Oh No, this is in no way a superiority battle as the MFC and cotton cloths are both useful for cleaning. The purpose of this is only to acquaint you with their unique peculiarities as well pinpoint the areas in which the MFCs have an edge over the cotton cloth and vice versa.
Effective Cleaning: About to clean a large mass of dirt or a big spill? the Microfiber cloth would be your best bet. This is because the MFCs are designed to be very absorbent. As a matter of fact, they are capable of soaking up to seven to eight times it’s own weight with water!
The cotton cloth, on the other hand, does not absorb dirt as effectively as the MFC. So, using that to clean a big mess might become too tasking and time-consuming.
What’s more? You might have to wash multiple times and, would have to use more chemicals and detergents to deal with the dirt and grease and still, might end up not getting a perfect clean. This is due to its inability to absorb dirt excellently well.
Life span: This is one of the biggest advantages of the MFC. Its life span is something to be valued. The MFC can be used for a long period of time while still giving the same efficient clean even as the years roll by.
They can last up to 5 – 10 years surviving wash after wash even on a weekly basis. The simple explanation for this is that they are highly resistant to lint shedding.
Cotton cloth on the other hand is not as durable as the MFC, the more it gets washed, the weaker it becomes. After multiple washing, they may begin to give off lint, slacken and even tear up at times. It also ends up looking so old and worn out after a short while.
This simply implies that you will have to do away with torn or old-looking cotton cloths and purchase newer ones that are neater-looking.
Whereas, the MFC undergoes wash after wash yet, maintains its neat and bright look at the same time, retaining its super cleaning strength.
Material Composition: the cotton cloth is made up of 100% organic material. This should be a good thing right? Well, not in this case, sadly.
The cotton cloth being all organic makes it appealing to bacteria and growth. It harvests these unwanted bacterias thereby causing unpleasant odors and making the spread of bacterias possible.
Mildew, for instance, is a common fungus that stays and thrives on damp cotton. If cotton cloths stay damp for a long time too, they will give out a nasty and unpleasant stench strong enough to put anyone off at the first sniff.
Microfiber cloths, on the other hand, are made with synthetic materials. As a result of the synthetic blend, you get a product with a much softer feel.
Now, the main thing: unlike cotton cloths, they attract dirty and uniquely dislodges it.
When it comes to water spills, both small or large, the MFCs are better suited to clean them.
Some of the advantages of cotton cloths
Let’s pause singing the many praises of the MFCs and take a look at the edge the cotton cloth has over it. This would make us have a balanced view and make informed decisions.
While the MFC has to be washed separately so as to prevent lint from other materials, the cotton cloth does not. Lint shedding from other materials onto the MFC might get them clogged but that’s not an issue with cotton cloths.
Washing your MFCs separately without adding any other clothing item might pose a delay in the flow of work, slowing down the process for people that intend to wash a lot. Unlike how fast it can be piling your cotton cloths along with other clothing items all in one wash.
Cost: The MFC costs a whole lot more than cotton cloths. Cotton clothes are extremely cheap to purchase but quick to fade out and die.
Now, putting into consideration, that the MFC lasts and can serve you for years, it is termed to be a good investment as people prefer to buy and use for years than buying and changing cotton cloths after a very short while.
Maintenance: Maintaining cotton cloths is super easy. You can simply just toss them into the washing machine and stay assured, knowing that they would not be shedding lint despite being washed with other clothing materials.
Why you should choose microfiber cloths
Truth be told, the MFC is no doubt, a superior tool for bacterial removal and cleaning in general. It has the capacity to penetrate cracks that cotton cloths or even paper towels cannot reach. Laced with millions of fiber, it not just detect but pulls out dirt, grime, grease, bacterias, you just name it.
They possess positively and negatively charged nylon fibers that attract and yanks out whatever debris on the surface of whatever you are cleaning.
As we have now come to know, the advantages of the MFC far outweighs its disadvantage. Not only that, it drowns whatever benefit the cotton cloth might have over it.
Many more people have realized this and are dumping the cotton cloths and even paper towels and clinching onto MFCs. It makes for less frequent shopping as it’s durable, saves money for you, and cleans effectively well.
Invest in a pack of good quality microfiber cloths and enjoy easy cleaning that leaves your household germ free.
Can You Use Oxiclean On Microfiber Cloths – Conclusion
To stop the spread of germs and bacteria, cleaning tools in the household should always be kept clean and dry. OxiClean stands as the solution to the challenge of getting the best cleaning agent powerfully formulated to fight stubborn stains and germs.
The collaboration of OxiClean and the Microfiber cloths gives you a sense of security health-wise. A clean MFC guarantees better subsequent cleaning experiences for you and OxiClean, is what you need to guarantee a perfect wash for your Microfiber cloths.